Requests Our Lady of Divine Trinity Conception on 24/02/2013 at 12:00 pm.
Our Lady asks us to pray:
Prayer of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart of St. Joseph
The prayer of the Holy Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
The Chaplet of Mercy
Pray for the children unaccounted for.
By mankind.
To cease the wars.
Pray for the Pope, the Church and his Cardinals.
Be in my robe all the time your hearts so that you can run all your brethren.
So I will be easing your pain and bringing your souls closest to the heart of my son Eucharistic blessing and love.
My small, bless you from creating it is through the holy trinity that habit can soothe your hearts suffering in this world.
Believe in Blessings from my son, for he is with you all the time, with the force of omnipotent and omnipresent God, the Almighty.
So you Bendigo with my hands, the blessing from the fountain of the big kid to the pure in heart that can feel in their small coraçãozinhos and that can take my word to all the brothers on this planet.
Have mercy upon your brothers.
Our Lady of Divine conception of the Trinity
Christ the Savior days 23/02/2013 9:00 am
That healing of my name Savior comes to you, so that in your consciences can be taken right attitudes before your brethren who ask for help, through force of I Love divine name.
Dear brothers, will be here before you all again to reign in Love Divine Mercy of God. Vos summon from creating my name to pray for your brothers who suffer from wars, to cease hate hearts.
Pray for those who are on the battlefield, so my name's redemption is made before you.
Open your hearts, because you'll be driving from creation, to accept God's plan, because it was so since creation.
My brothers in moments of glory remembered my holy name, but in moments of struggle, when most needed, no.
Do not forget, I'll be working for you all in my heart Father of Mercy, is so since the Creation.
Live in love, forgiveness continue our journey through eternity strength and light of the Creator.
I invite you to come in my name, for I am Christ the Saviour. Enlarging your consciences, until your hearts are prepared to listen and live my love divine, so I call you Father for eternity the creator.
In Light, will be kept in his footsteps, all the brothers without distinction, until the harmony Reine under the earth.
Dear and valiant soldiers of Love, call you from eternity, so bless your brothers with my words of Love and Peace, and thus fulfill God's strength in this humanity.
Let the Glory of God the merciful Savior, your hearts are in the eternity of your soul.
In union with the Father, the Almighty Creator, are you all.
Christ the Savior.
Do not suffer in the face of war, bow, lift your hearts on high and pray to the Father, that your brothers raise their consciences and hearts to the Merciful Love of God, so that, to survive the destruction of what you distorts the true picture of reality Divine.
I give you the keys of salvation, bless you and bless in fear Eternal Father of Mercy.
That light in your hearts set aside discord reigns and the Love of universes to come back to reign Forgiveness and Love of the Father among you.
Let the power of the Almighty to save them from all evil thoughts which have created in their pride and power of war.
Peace of God Be in My brethren, the wait in the path of the Path of Divine Mercy that is the salvation of you all.
Christ the Savior
Merciful Jesus day 17/02/2013 at 11:00 pm
Bendigo you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the glory of my holy name for ever and ever.
In open their souls to redemption mercy among you, bless you for eternity.
My children my prayer for you is already long before the throne of the Most High, so I will deliver you from the evil that surrounds them and bring them to the eternity of my love and forgiveness.
Blessed My children call you to pray much for your brethren the Middle East who suffer from wars and for the salvation of this humanity.
My mission is being fulfilled be strong for change and believe me, for this is the will of the Creator for your hearts, so this will be saving humanity, both strayed from His Glory.
Be my light on forever, so keep the shadows that attack, and may have freedom in your hearts merciful ', so my mother merciful, saves lives and leads to heaven and transmuted into love of creation.
Be strong and courageous, because my name will return to reign on this earth, by the mercy of the divine Savior, the God of Mercy.
Be at one with creation, for I will speak on your behalf and in your light source'm saving them for the woes of this world, hovering over you all.
Thus from eternity accompany you in heart, for the blessing of my name in praise of God be with you.
Walk the path of my mercy, because this is the final time and now is time for your arrival in conversions and opening your hearts to my name Redeemer.
I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son
Holy Spirit Salvador.
Merciful Jesus
Merciful Jesus on 14/02/2013 21:00 pm
Dear Brothers, My mercy bless this planet who both suffer with their transformations, Believe in God Because everything is under his supreme will;
and when the time comes I will turn you into Blessed Father's children, his love for eternity.
Believe me, for I will save you, believe in my blessed name of mercy, and so we will be protecting you from the Creation, to the evolution of this planet do not suffer further.
So I bring my mercy to every soul, to keep the peace in unity and love to my savior.
Pray the rosary for mercy that are immersed every day to my love and power, thus will bring the redemption of all of you my name.
In Benediction from the highest bless and forgive from eternity, and bring you into my hands up to the throne of the King of the Universe.
My hands Mercy of the guard until the end of vosas journeys and the Eternity of Creation.
Believe in my eyes that can see through the eternity of my Father, the Almighty.
Believe in Divine Mercy For Many will wake up to my name, Benediction of the Saints their spirits, so do one with the Divinity of My Body and Holy Spirit.
On behalf of Peace my kingdom, I will impart my peace I now enters your homes.
In obedience to the Father, to summon me to hear and feel, to speak in my name Santo, so that eternity fulfill his plans soba blessed the creation of the Father.
I will impart to my Peace, I give you my peace, in the name of mercy from the Creator.
Merciful Jesus.
Our Lady of Grace 02/02/2013 18:00 pm
I pour my roses Misericordia my children, so that they are always under my mantle
sacred, and thus fulfill the will join the infinite universe of God and of Christ my son
In your souls want transparency font Roses essence of God and thus the
transmutarei in my universal love that is in your creation.
That's the glory of love blessed Holy Spirit is guiding them through eternity of
openings in your hearts who are opening up through me and redemption in the arms of my
son Redeemer, will bring you peace of God's universe in the name of the Father Son and Spirit
Ghost, bless you under my mantle sacred.
Dear children beg for mercy that you are in prayer every day in my heart of
light and peace, so that their esperanaas be renewed before the gaze of the Most High.
Beloved and blessed children, I will be in Heaven since Gloria in their small little hearts,
to never lose faith in myself and my Son Redeemer, so I call you to pray for this world that badly needs peace and love of the Divine Creator graces.
Pray for Sumatra, virgin islands.
Pray for Santarem, Belem, Partridges.
Pray for my children of Bosnia.
Pray For lost and abandoned children.
Pray those who do not obey God and they are deviating from their path.
Pray for the souls in Purgatory.
May the light of my mantle is under you all the love from the deepest of universes.
I leave them to the mercy of my roses, the love of God is among you forever
and so is your will.
Our Lady of Grace
jesus of mercy 31/01/2013 at 15:00 pm
".. Appeared in front with m? Raised to the top and looking up, made the prayer of the Father Our Aramaic ... "
From my heart I bless you, dear brothers.
I leave you my peace, for eternity openings in your hearts.
In my faith in the anoint of your hearts that of your sistersThem, I'll be guiding you through the
Holy Spirit who dwells in you, in my words, in my words, I give you the peace of
Misericordia unijo my sacred to all of you.
Blessed be the name of the sacred union that dwells in your hearts, and for this the sacred
who comes wisdom through the Altissimo, for all you.
Once you announce that your sacred union with God this penetrating your dimensions, your
homes, and blessed hearts, that on behalf of altissimo, await my arrival, for redemption
all of you.
My dear join in the unity of the Holy Spirit to receive me, so that I can penetrate throughout the merciful love that comes from all the altissimo you.
My brothers, today I give you my peace that reigned in many hearts that are open to my
Kingdom of Love and Forgiveness. That the union of the Father Creator consecrate yourselves for eternity drive God the Father
So I give you my peace that this unit espirit fulfill the task the absolute parent
gave on my behalf to bring the blessing of his eternity in your hearts.
Believe in me and I will deliver the kingdom of my Father creator.
The roses of my merciful Mother, guide you in your steps, so they can be in my
blessed heart of love and eternity, so I will make the drive to the Father Creator.
Believe in my realm of Forgiveness and love for the salvation of all mankind and so this will be in
arms of the Creator forever.
This final phase and that your hearts will live where the big test will come over the
years and thus will be ready. Those who believe in my heart of Love and Forgiveness, to join
the fountain of Divine wisdom of creation.
I have you in my heart all the time you call me, because I see everyone since the creation in
My omnipresence can feel the distress of your hearts, but know dear brothers, that
My promise is already being fulfilled through many of your brothers, who may have
sure of my presence between you and the uni them increasingly to my heart since that awaits
eternity of My Father
You give, the flame of my heart that involves you in the light that burns all sins;
given the magnitude of the kingdom of my Father Creator.
So call you to talk through your hearts for all that was given to them through my
teachings before the altissimo, so that may open in forgiveness and in the glory of the Father and His Blessed Name.
Let there be harmony in all your brothers, as many needed your help, love and forgiveness,
where'll be your salvation, and bless you in the name of the holy trinity of the Creator and anoint you with the power of my body and blood, the Salvation Gloria in this humanity.
That all honor and all the glory of the Father, is among you.
Blessed be the name of my Father Creator.
jesus of mercy
Jesus Christ the Redeemer on 29/01/2013 at 9:00 pm
I will bless in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit.
That love of my Father is among you today, dear brothers.
That the Gloria of the Almighty take them until your altar of peace and love, in union and harmony of all the universes that meet Glory in her Blessed.
My teachings on this earth are blessed in their love for you all, that they might
see the love of the Most High, and thus your Glory could open your hearts.
Know, my dear brothers, that the consequences of their acts shall come under the earth, through the God use his great love is already permeating the land to the change of your hearts to redemption of its name.
Thus Peace and Love, you leave your salvation, so that the brothers feel in your little ones hearts light, which amounts to eternity in union with all your brothers those of light.
In my way of salvation and Glory have opened many hearts I feel, and so
will be open to the kingdom of the Almighty, the Most High.
Dear, if their consciences amplify with the arrival of the forces omnipotent and omnipresent the universe of God, so will the Peace of God.
I carry in my hands the child of the new humanity in which the union Altissimo thus be done
His will on earth.
Dear brothers, feel the peace of God, for it is already coming into your land to reign harmony in your hearts.
So in my name and on my behalf, I will impart my peace is in God the supreme creator of Universes, beside my divine mother of Mercy that permeates you in its protective mantle of Light
May the light of God's angels, may irradiate all your love and hope to this planet, so
I leave for the Peace of the Angels of My Father, now descend to earth to bring peace to all of you his divine name.
Light and Union to Heaven, and you are all so it fulfills the will of the Creator.
That the union of your hearts in union is to Love and Peace of universes and so act in
Peace and Love to all your brothers.
My Love for you to constant and open to all brothers every day in my love Universal, so
I invite you to not judge your brothers and more to follow the path of Divine Wisdom of Love
God, and then you will be in my name.
I will bless in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amam.
Jesus Christ the Redeemer.
Jesus of Mercy 25/01/2013 at 13:00 pm
I bless you in the name vis the divine holy Spirit that is in me.
That in my voice have the power and the love of my heart for you.
What s through the? Vehicles in obedience to the Most High, I bring you into my hands, so that the
Santissima glory of my name and merciful God be your hearts.
So in my kingdom, your hearts will open like the petals of roses to my mother, so that
in the name of the Most High, the purity of his love your hearts overlapping length of His eternity
eyes of mercy.
Vos Bendigo eternity of my unit in the United Salvador holy spirit that works in your
under my light you are all in patience and love for my return, that there are many who
doubt, summer my return and then redeem all of this humanity, at the Father bencoo
I bless you in the name of the father son and holy spirit, with all the honor and glory of my
heart, which awaits you on the path of my love for you.
From eternity'll Guando in the light of hope? Bendigo from that of your hearts that
are under the blessing of the altissimo.
In communion consecrate yourselves sons of the Almighty Father, the blessing so that in communion
as my body and blood, can live my way of hope and love for all of you.
Are in union with all your brothers, in the light of God's Peace, so that I can
find peace in every heart the Divine Mercy then they will be back to my kingdom
I consecrate and bless the union in this humanity redemption through the power of my name.
There are in communion with me, for I am the way and the life of your hearts.
Pure in heart to give you my redemptive love in the light of my divine Cloak
Mercy, Be at Peace
With the back of my mind Ghost hath consecrate the memory of all that ye Divinity Celeste
waiting in jubilation in the name of the Father
Jesus of Mercy.
Jesus of Mercy day 24/02/2013 10:30 pm
May the light of my mercy descend upon you my brothers.
What in the mercy of the Father Almighty, today and always make your abode.
May the light of God invade them and transmute every heart under my blessed glory of salvation of my kingdom.
Open your hearts to my arrival, because the glory of the Most High today, do you my address so that every heart challenges humanity can hear my you from the heavens to lift humanity up to this heaven of my "Father , so I fulfill his purposes of love and peace for the salvation of all mankind this.
I await my brothers faithful to me in my path to glory and forgiveness, so that they can transmute your pains in Love.
My children are on me all the time, for I will save them in light of my protective mantle, so make your dwellings into my heart and merciful light Amor.Pois these are God's purposes for our humanity.
So I invite you to pray for this humanity that suffers from a lack of love to all your brothers, for those who do not leave love invade them are not in the glory of the Father Almighty.
Remain in my heart and love and light so you permearei to all your cells, so they can be under my protective light of divine mercy of creation.
My dear, I invoke the power of the Kingdoms of God that transmute under the light of Heaven.
That in my calls for universal Love you be united in one heart
Love, for all your brethren, do not judge, because all are equal before God.
In Union Peace and light to you are at the mercy of the Divine Creator, and thus transmute your hearts in my Love and Forgiveness.
Believe me, for I am the breath of peace and unity in your hearts to all of you that permeate this universe.
For your changes will have to be in resonance with the cosmic force of marriage to my Kingdom of Love and Forgiveness, so that they buy the designs of God.
To prevail on earth that the union of your hearts.
In fraternal union, the union of the people, I pray for world peace to pray for your brothers.
In Peace and Light,
I leave you now in union with the Divine Love of Creation of My Father
The Lord of the Universes.
Jesus Christ Msericordia
Christ Samana on 23/01/2013 at 11:00 pm
I will bless in the name of the Father Son and Holy spirit, the path of my mercy.
Verily I say unto my brethren, in the path of honor and glory of my Father, are you all now.
Your renounces every day from evil words spoken, acts of lack of love, are the divine mercy of the Father Creator, so that transmute your little minds and hearts.
Before the creation, blessed you.
May the light of my Father who comes to you today to redeem humanity and transforms it into his universal love and light, because so are the designs of the Creator Father.
In my robe, protect them from their discords, transmute their actions in universal love, so they can see the kingdom of the Father through the eyes of your hearts and make your dwellings there.
Just before the throne of the Blessed Father, I take them in my hands to Heavenly glory of his kingdom, that so, dear brothers in my name and on my behalf, the meek of heart are in the celestial glory of the Father, for all always.
Listen to my call, because it comes from the highest setting you up.
So in my eternal force of light and love will be in the peace of God, the Creator Father, King of heaven.
Follow me on my journey, for the kingdom of heaven is already waiting for you in the abundant love for your lives, through the kingdom of my Father
What glory in star light that I bring, can deliver their light paths of salvation Almighty Creator of the universe, thus give you the strength of your love blessed by you.
My dear brothers, I invite you to cross the bridge of your dimensions to the dimensions of the new states of consciousness and love, so that they do not suffer further.
Look at your brothers who are different from you, with the eyes of love, and whoever you awaken anxiety, fear, anger ... The have in your hearts, the feeling of my presence and I'll be there, do not judge those who are different from you, who is on trial because he can not see the Father Creator and all his love.
Look at your neighbor as I would on earth, in forgiveness and peace, for it is not the love of the Heavenly Father blessed.
So I invite you all to forget yourselves and remember in your hearts of my hope for this world, so that one day they can find me in my joys as Warriors of Love, Light and Peace of the Heavenly Kingdom.
I invite you to join Loria those who love without distinction of words, creeds ... For the glory of God's Peace invade your hearts, for your eternities; For now are my soldiers of the Light and Love and hope for all of you who sympathize with all your brothers, they need to be in this Light of Mercy of Creation.
My Blessed Children, who in the name of Father of Mercy, may find his kingdom, as I found, and Peace and Universal Love Light commune of the Holy Word of God, the Most High.
So in Light and Peace, I say goodbye to you at this time, so they can hear me and act within your hearts, which is the Kingdom of God Sacred Hope.
Let Light and Peace of the Holy Spirit to guide them in my Universal Love of forgiveness and mercy.
Light and Peace to you all.
Christ Samana
Jesus Christ the Redeemer 21/01/2013 19:00 pm
On behalf of my Father, I invite you to persevere in my realm of forgiveness and love, so that, to meet the love of all of you in the highest power of hope in the faith of all of you.
In the hope of my salvation are the addresses that your united to God merciful enjoy our peace, so I invite all of you and give your hearts to the Almighty, the savior to so be Completed his glorious victory of love in their hearts, are in my peace.
Little brothers because salvation is already before your eyes, in harmony eternity that brings life to all of you.
Look for more give than to receive, as this will always be the Father's response to your little hearts to bless today by the presence and glory of his name.
Let me your hearts peace reigns of my kingdom savior, in light of eternity my source of light, hope and glory of the Father
For so my warriors of love can make my peace of your victories.
I grant you all the glory of my kingdom forever.
Those who believe in me will be saved, in the love and forgiveness of God's glorious Heavenly.
So do my dwelling in their hearts forever.
In my forgiveness savior will bring glory to my Father and the love that brought you the dimensions of your light so they could make your dwellings, so I invite you to enter into my kingdom savior, the hope and glory of the Father Almighty.
So when all hearts are open my peace and my love, I'll be ahead of you in the light of God's love.
For being prepared for my return in each of you, I'll flesh that thereby they fulfill more than one of the designs of the Heavenly Father.
Jesus Christ the Redeemer.
Our Lady of Grace 18/01/2013 21:30 pm
May the peace of eternity is in your hearts today.
Be always on my guard ment of light, so that your hearts may be redeemed by my mercy, in the sunshine of hope, I await your souls in my light mercy and blessings of faith.
Therefore make peace between your little hearts to live in eternity with my motherly love for you all, because I do not claim that distinction at all or hear my voice and aso they call me in your hearts, peace in your Holy Spirits.
What my eyes for eternity I will not lose sight of that wealth in the light of almighty God of Mercy, may be around the time of your lives.
So I fulfill the designs of the Creator Father, that has a universal love to all your hearts, in your mercy powerful you all are.
In the light and peace of their universes of all creation.
So bring the peace of my heart and the silence of the Father, so that in the hope your hearts can feel the peace of the Almighty.
For peace and mercy of this humanity, I invoke the power of the holy spirit and the redemptive light of your glory, your hearts may shine to heaven.
Our Lady of Graces
Jesus Christ of Mercy 18/01/2013 21:00 pm
I will bless in the name of the Father Son and Holy spirit, Amen
in my heart I say to the mercy of the Father Almighty Voice brings peace to your hearts, in the humility that your thoughts, words and actions on their behalf.
That in my mercy is my peace, which accompanies you at the altar of the Almighty, who is awaiting your hearts be open to your divine light of mercy.
My children, in the light of God to guard against the evil that tries to deceive you, persist in the hope of your peace, God will make his eternal abode, to which I call redemption of your divine mercy, under the cloak of creation.
What all of you are in love, in light of my redemption and my forgiveness that awaits them before the Father, the Almighty.
My little brothers of mercy, do not doubt my arrival every heart of all of you, for this is the will of the creator, who reverts, hatred to love in the redemption of my name, because it will be so in the divine Spirit of my name and in light of the blessed creator of universes.
It is already time for the honor and glory of our Heavenly Father to reach your hearts so that you can go down the source of light roses from my mother of mercy for your conversions.
I hope you with open arms in my heart for all the brothers make your dwellings, so that my peace es my blessings come to you through the wealth of my light that penetrates into your land.
That in opening your hearts to receive my peace, to undertake efforts without his father's wishes to you all creator.
Are all in harmony and peace, so that the transition from your hearts to my kingdom.
Do not fear, for fear is not part of the kingdom and the glory of the heavenly Father.
I hope all of you in the light of peace that descends to earth today, to calm your hearts in supplication that await my breath, soba peace of God.
Are you all healed of your pain because intercede for them right now in the name of the Father Creator, and give back where they came from.
Believe me, for I am healing and encouragement of your hearts.
On behalf of the heavenly Father's mercy and your name I call you to empty your hearts of your pain.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the glory and peace of God the Creator.
All honor and glory to his name, forever peace reign in your little hearts that open to my merciful kingdom.
Jesus Christ of Mercy
Queen of Peace 13/01/2013 at 12:00 pm
I come to you today dear children, to ask for that help in my calling the suffering souls so that they can reflect the love of God in their souls through your hearts.
Have forgiveness and love, and this love commune in prayer universal, so that my light robe and protection can cure them in their pain.
Sufferers do not believe in God, as humble in their hearts can hear your call, the cure is in opening your hearts to hear our prayers for you, and so the world will be liberated from suffering.
Believe in the power of the love of God, do not give up meeting the love of his calling, and thus be in the unity of the Holy Spirit Shield, forgiveness and Divine Mercy, which is deep in your hearts, so you'll be at any time small children, so that the glory of God are you all.
That forgiveness in my heart are your hearts so that we become the way of God's love.
Pray for the children of Lebanon in my heart and in my name, to be dissolved discord that country.
Pray for Uganda, my children need your love so that they do not suffer anymore.
Pray for the refugees.
Pray for Sumatra, Sumer, Nepal, Nigeria and the children of Brazil; And for all those who feel the need in your hearts, and so will be fulfilling the purposes of God in your hearts to the love transmute your pain.
Donate to Receive because there is a lesson of Creation for all of you who ask and do not donate ... Love, light and hope to all your brothers, for this is the law of love and forgiveness that has to permeate the land in times to come.
Thus the will is the will of the creator.
For the peace and unity of your hearts, the love of Creation impart to my designs and my mantle under light guard, which offered my roses of love and forgiveness, that exhale in your inner love of the Divine Father of Forgiveness and Peace
Queen of Peace
Jesus Christ of Mercy 13/01/2013 at 11:30
Through the eyes of the Almighty come to me all you who are in your hearts and for eternity, I leave you my peace and mercy.
May the light of your being to come to my kingdom, which is in your hearts.
Facing the mercy of my father I will impart my glory and my peace through the mantle Immaculate Mother of God, that so many hearts turns to my kingdom of love and forgiveness when all you once belonged, so I fulfill my promise to the designs of the Creator Father, for all you who are under my cloak of mercy.
My mother of mercy can awaken dormant all souls on this planet so that it fulfills its third secret.
So my hands one hundred ye blessed of my name in redemption, the creator so proclaimed.
That the path of the mercy of my name are all your hearts, in the humility of his actions and thoughts, so they can feel the mercy of radiating my blessed heart, which is the peace of God the Creator.
Dear brothers, do not doubt for a moment not only of my words, so that my divine love and peace from the Father comes up to you.
So I leave you the blessing of my kingdom, hearts open to my creative presence to meeting the aims of my Heavenly Father.
I'll call you by name sue and glory will expand in their hearts, do not doubt my words dear brothers, because your redemption will leave them in my name, for they are the designs of the Father
So go through your land transformations, which were said in the bible.
For there are the writings of my creator God, where the strength of your hearts will be expanded to beyond all storms to come.
So my heart is open to you all the divine verb of creation, in your hearts to hear the thoughts of Father for this planet.
From your you, my children can leave the word of God, which enables transformations in the flesh for many afflicted hearts.
Help each other, in faith and hope of the mercy of my mother's cloak of Mercy.
That forgiveness and love your words do, to see my arrival among you, just call you converting your hearts every day, by a love of the Father and Creator universes, that is before you, so pardon and peace reign for eternity of your being, you will become in the light of God's Mercy, thus saving this humanity that both deviated from his designs.
May the Blessed Holy Spirit give them the peace of my heart for your hopes and faith is my creator name of love.
So I will bring you to my source of light and love for ever and ever, so like roses, shine on my arrival.
May peace be with you dear brothers and they hear my call, believe in me because I am the way and the salvation of the divine source of love of God the Father Creator.
Dear children, I bless you in the name of the holy trinity that protects you in my light robe savior.
May the light that permeate your being my blood transmute the pain of my humanity and that this my body do address your holy spirits that dwelleth in you.
In love and light in the Supreme Deity are you all little brothers, so that they listen to my call and my mother Mercy.
In the kingdom of heaven await with all the splendor of love for your souls, and bless the name of the Father in Bendigo Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.
Jesus Christ of Mercy
Jesus Christ of Mercy 08/01/2013 at 11:30
Through the eyes of the Almighty come to me all you who are in your hearts and for eternity, I leave you my peace and mercy.
May the light of your being to come to my kingdom, which is in your hearts.
Facing the mercy of my father I will impart my glory and my peace through the mantle Immaculate Mother of God, that so many hearts turns to my kingdom of love and forgiveness when all you once belonged, so I fulfill my promise to the designs of the Creator Father, for all you who are under my cloak of mercy.
My mother of mercy can awaken dormant all souls on this planet so that it fulfills its third secret.
So my hands one hundred ye blessed of my name in redemption, the creator so proclaimed.
That the path of the mercy of my name are all your hearts, in the humility of his actions and thoughts, so they can feel the mercy of radiating my blessed heart, which is the peace of God the Creator.
Dear brothers, do not doubt for a moment not only of my words, so that my divine love and peace from the Father comes up to you.
So I leave you the blessing of my kingdom, hearts open to my creative presence to meeting the aims of my Heavenly Father.
I'll call you by name sue and glory will expand in their hearts, do not doubt my words dear brothers, because your redemption will leave them in my name, for they are the designs of the Father
So go through your land transformations, which were said in the bible.
For there are the writings of my creator God, where the strength of your hearts will be expanded to beyond all storms to come.
So my heart is open to you all the divine verb of creation, in your hearts to hear the thoughts of Father for this planet.
From your you, my children can leave the word of God, which enables transformations in the flesh for many afflicted hearts.
Help each other, in faith and hope of the mercy of my mother's cloak of Mercy.
That forgiveness and love your words do, to see my arrival among you, just call you converting your hearts every day, by a love of the Father and Creator universes, that is before you, so pardon and peace reign for eternity of your being, you will become in the light of God's Mercy, thus saving this humanity that both deviated from his designs.
May the Blessed Holy Spirit give them the peace of my heart for your hopes and faith is my creator name of love.
So I will bring you to my source of light and love for ever and ever, so like roses, shine on my arrival.
May peace be with you dear brothers and they hear my call, believe in me because I am the way and the salvation of the divine source of love of God the Father Creator.
Dear children, I bless you in the name of the holy trinity that protects you in my light robe savior.
May the light that permeate your being my blood transmute the pain of my humanity and that this my body do address your holy spirits that dwelleth in you.
In love and light in the Supreme Deity are you all little brothers, so that they listen to my call and my mother Mercy.
In the kingdom of heaven await with all the splendor of love for your souls, and bless the name of the Father in Bendigo Son and Holy Spirit, Amen
Jesus Christ of Mercy
Mercy of Jesus Christ 13/01/13 10:00 pm
Not ... be afraid, just have faith in your hearts, for faith to rise up the love of God.
I can feel at peace and love until your hearts are open to divine my presence and thus expand your consciousness and your hearts to my presence, because this is the will of God.
That love of the Father, God the Divine, can be among you, little children, and so Thy will be done on earth.
Today, I bring my angels of light, which opened in strength so we can be here, right now, in the light of Creation.
So these little angels bring the power of God's Creation, the strength that comes directly from the Divine Father to all of you who are in communion with your divine guardian angels that protect and guide them every day.
These divine guardian angels do the job that Heavenly Father sent them to do.
Some of you may feel them and others can see them, and even those who do not see them, are under their umbrella every day, for them, the guardian angels, your protection is on this earth and everything that can divert them from the path of light or can mow or remove your lives.
Thus, the guardian angels protect them in difficult times and do not realize that many of you are being protected by God through every moment of your guardian angels.
Thank you for the work done in that guardian angels do the work of God's love for humanity to all this. They keep them from all harm and thus are under the protective mantle of light and peace of God.
Believe small children, because they are here for, right now, in this world, many work for your souls are developed. Many children who do not see and know, plans can not imagine that life, working in harmony with your bodies and hearts to be open to the Holy Spirits in communion with God.
May the divine power of God's love that opens and renewed in the Spirit of God, returning to the Father's house where they came from. So your spirits immaculate become fellowship to all beings who are also in their growth so that their consciences are changed so that they will reach God.
Dear children, on the day that invade your hearts My love and my peace invade your homes, believe that God will be there doing Thy abode for eternity.
Believe in love and hope to God, because there are your conversions.
Your faith in my heart and glory saved them.
The light to permeate forever on the strength of My love for you all, because the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of the Supreme My Father, My God and Creator is renewed so that the word of God in your hearts, I will be here to welcome them in the opening of your Divine Holy Spirits.
So, my children of mercy, I invite you to come into my kingdom so that they can be part of the light of creation to help all your brothers on Earth.
So in my kingdom, will be in divine light and love of God, because in your address, do my words before you today.
That in the light and peace of My forgiveness are all of you forever.
So, bless in the name of Creation, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be made in my address your conversions.
Jesus Christ of Mercy
Our Lady of Fatima 08/01/13 10:00 pm
How Our Lady of Fatima, today I come to you, little children, that my hand may bless your hearts to the Father in union
That the strength and light of my heart are always small children, for hope and glory dwell in your kingdoms from My forgiveness and My divine power.
The light is between your brethren.
May the peace and glory of God is among you today and always, for this is the will of the Creator for all of you.
My Immaculate Heart of Light are here today to permeate all your hearts in light of God the Creator, as well as transform your little hearts to their source of light and peace to return to the Creation of His beauty and love, so that in Your are you all peace.
Dear children, in the vastness of the blue skies make my abode, because from here I can see them and feel it in my heart Omnipotent and Omnipresent of Grace, so that the cosmic forces of light are being guided, as this is the time to your conversions within your hearts and thus, forgiveness and the grace of the Divine Creator God is permeating all of you from the center of every atom of your cells and thus;
My Immaculate Heart of Light and Hands My Father will bring them to the Redeemer, to that your conversions are in your spirits light.
My Immaculate Voice that can pierce into your heart all my love and all my peace, that comes to you today my children.
Small children of God, I pray to the Almighty that all be enlightened by the forces of light to guide them, for this is the will and the renewing power of our hope, that comes to you today.
What in your faith and your love will always be the source of light of Creation, Divine Word that created them.
So let the peace of our Holy God who comes to you today and transmutes your hearts in light of His wealth.
Small children, I bring you the Star of Wisdom for the path of your mercy is open for all the Hierarchies of Light that guide them in God's strength, as well will be in peace and love to the Divine God of Creation.
Small children, the strength of My divine omnipotence and omnipresence is in you all the whole time they open the Our hearts, for so is the will of God, the Creator; For all your hearts are open to my presence and that of My Son Redeemer, so that in your inner universes, opening up the peace and love of the Divine God.
And so, we come to many of you, to be instruments of Our love to you all on this earth.
Fear not, my little children, for the earth will experience intense changes, climate, where they will be tested and your hearts to my word, until the forces of the Divine God, so they can be unos His source of strength and light after disorders all comers.
Those who kneel at my feet, begging forgiveness from God wholeheartedly, and are in My peace and My Immaculate Heart will see God, for so is his strength, omnipotence and omnipresence, before you all my little children , Yeah My name in the light of God pierces to you, so that we can return to our path of love and light, to the Savior.
Faith that the lift and guide for all eternity, because it will be your spirits and the Spirit of the Father Creator so that Your will be done on earth.
In light of the mercy of My Son Redeemer, can be guided in their footsteps, because the legacy left them on earth, transmits the force of love and faith to God Supreme and all this humanity, which today carries in his arms, to His love to expand on all your brethren.
My strength that light, small children of faith, all of you are in your hearts to open up like the petals of my roses, and that the essence of the Father may pervade them at all times of your lives; For there'll be guiding you through your heart and through your love, for the peace of God is Omnipresent and Omnipotent and whoever finds it, does not need anything else, my little children, for such is the love and peace of the Creator.
May the peace of our God, the Lord Mayor, The Most High is between all of you today and always, small children, that your faith should expand your brethren and thus, in prayer, we can count on all your hearts, to open by Our Kingdom, can invade and energy of love and light to other siblings.
What forces are Elohim among you, healing them and releasing them today and forever on the strength of the wealth of God's light.
Our Lady of Fatima
Jesus Christ of Mercy 01/07/2912 10:00
Dear Brothers, I come once more to the Our forgiveness is in your hearts, to which your souls are in My mercy, redemption and thus may open your hearts to My Kingdom and My Father, for this is the will of the Almighty.
Pray in my heart every day, so do not lose faith in my steps in your lives as well guide them in the power of forgiveness and the love of my Father, God the Creator of this universe and that in light of the protective mantle of My Mother are you all on your wisdom and intentions for the Divine Word.
What about the light and power of My union gets to you and even your small atoms faith, mercy and communion of your souls with the Father Almighty and so I will be with you every day.
Dear children, awaiting my arrival as My Kingdom is returning to this earth that My strength of love and light shine ever more between your heart and thus transform your life with the power of my mercy in your hearts that both struggle on this earth, because they are in all the time I will be in God and the fight is not necessary to believe in my heart and I'll be guiding your steps all the time.
Believe in the power of Divine Light Mantle of Mercy of My Mother, for it will bring you to force the conversion of your hearts in my name.
What in your life, be open to receiving the Holy Spirit, which is the strength of the light of God who created them and so will be creating the bond of protection My name and My Father Creator so they are not more disturbed by the forces that involutive there are.
Believe me, for I will save into your hearts and in the power of My Love and My peace I bring from heaven, the abode of the Almighty, the Father, Redeemer, God the Creator of all universes that is the spark of light of all of you, where dwells and waits to open up to Him, thus returning the house of the Father Creator.
That this time the glory of the Father is on the earth, for God's designs are all about you, so it is the hour of His forgiveness and His love upon this humanity.
Pray for humanity, for it will undergo very large changes and who is not with faith and heart in my name, will be lost before the tribulations that will.
Believe in God, because in difficult times, where your hearts are more open to my divine plan of light and able to see the Father and believe that everything will pass.
So believe my children, and that all will love and His blessings will descend on Earth, so many brothers opened the My Kingdom will receive the magnitude of God's strength to join in his plan of love and glory to this earth.
Dear daughters, my peace be upon today, because today I bring you the kingdom of my Father for that peace can be made between you and your brethren, that permeate all that succeed this earth, because my name is in the love of God.
That the strength and glory of My Father can guide your hearts to the kingdom of salvation.
May the peace of your world is in front of your forgiveness and your prayers and your love, because when they pray with love for your brother, are praying for you and for all mankind, because all they hear are all one before God.
Verily I say that our divine love for you is immense, and if they could feel that love every moment of your lives, so exterminate wars, confusions, for only love can find the peace that both look at love My Father, the Almighty, the Savior.
And so, I leave in your hearts today, my love for you all and for all this humanity, which it seeks to distance itself both light and in your hearts.
That in light of forgiveness are among you all.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that union with God is the strength that I bring up, before the protective mantle of My Mother of Mercy who loves them both.
I bless you all. and always believe in God the Father, for He is the Savior of all of you.
Jesus Christ of Mercy
Mother Maria 06/01/2013 at 10:00 pm
I come here once more to bless them and forgive them the love of my protective mantle.
May the light of the star that guides them is in your hearts forever and so my peace in the spirit to permeate your salvations are unas the Father Creator.
May the force be upon your hearts my protection so that, all my love and all my peace be with you.
Dear children, in the mercy of my Son, the Redeemer carry the deity of your souls and your hearts openings that are coming to me today.
I can feel your heart as I do them my address and change your ways my conversion because it already I address my son and Redeemer.
What in your daily conversions are my name and my son, for thus will be in God's love, the love that permeate my name for eternity.
So, I impart the grace of conversion for eternity in my light, so that will be done of God the Creator.
What in the name of Light and Peace merciful God, do not deviate just a moment this guiança power of the Father Created, r so that, united with one heart light are being guided by my cloak of protection and light.
That the strength of your hearts are sojourn of love and peace, because their minds are fleeting illusions of this world, because it was created for just that conceive in your hearts to God's love for you, And with all this faith in your hearts, might believe that God is the Divine for your conversions and your hearts everyday where does your address.
My little children of mercy, do not be afraid to have faith, for it is that will move all obstacles in your life, because it is the Lord God and his strength of His merciful love and forgiveness.
So, I invite you once again to the Father Creator, convert your hearts that my word and your faith in your lives, is the Father and the Son and My Redeemer mantle of light, so they can wake up from this sleep in sleeping and every day and can see the Father in your heart.
May the Light of Faith enlighten them in these moments that will pass on this earth, because only then will lift your spirits in the Light of the Father Redeemer.
And that your faith is being guided by my heart every day, because there will be s, in your love and in your daily forgiveness.
Forgive dear children, because all are brothers of the same Father Creator, because everyone is learning the love the Father so badly needs, opening your hearts to your source of light and love.
Dear children, accept the love of God permeate your little hearts and that they may expand within your peace and creation, that unos to Him in the path of the mercy of His love forever.
What peace are always in my all ye that in light of my mercy are your feet, and your thoughts are within your hearts, so that they know and feel the love of the Divine allow God in your soul, in your opening Divine Spirits Saints Heavenly Father.
What all this pain and all transmutation humanity is made through your hearts, in the humility of your forgiveness and your love for Heavenly Father, for in it are all the time.
For his eyes were clouded by Creation so that they could believe in your hearts and feel them, because then the spirits will rise by Everlasting Father Creator.
My dear children, today I give thanks and blessings in your homes, because that is the day that my son received thanks Redeemer in our homes, the graces of mercy, forgiveness and love, and we thank Hearts united on this earth while we were here, because today we are part of the universal cosmic energy that united our hearts to God and allowed us to work for this humanity in the love and light of your divine mercy.
Every moment that makes us feel a greater love for humanity and for this they belong to this universe where we are, with the creation, opening the hosts of light to descend upon this humanity in the forgiveness and love of God, the Savior, so that in glory and mercy are your hearts.
Dear children, many of you will open and can see me and hear me, when they open their hearts to me and there will be to feel my love for you, that permeate and bring the peace of God.
Dear children, pray for this humanity needs both mercy and forgiveness and so requires much need of love.
That My heavenly light and My robe sacred today as Our Lady of Fatima, blessed and that in light of forgiveness make your dwellings, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Jesus Christ of the Mercy 01/05/13 11:00 pm
I am here today on behalf of the Higher Father to sanctify them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and bless Him for my name and the Holy Spirit.
That my redemptive power of light can be among your hearts in forgiveness of my name to this whole humanity is redeemed by opening their hearts.
My Father, the joy and the pain, bring them up to my kingdom before the opening of all your hearts that are in me and in my name of redemption may always be in the way of my mercy.
That my God, the Most High, for you can always look and not into temptation for I am the way, the truth and the life of love and constancy of your light in your hearts.
Verily I say unto you, my dearest daughters, today I am here for the blessings of the Divine Father Almighty fall among you so that they can, with your hearts to be filled with prayer my light in this peace, so that your hearts be open about redeeming my way and can open many hearts of your brethren, because this is the will of the Father Major.
Well so is my path, the path of love, of my redemption and humanity because of all this long work for the good of this world and the elevation of your hearts to the Father, the Almighty.
And so, in my power and my glory, save in the name of the Father so that they are in my path and before the throne of God.
Believe me, for I am Jesus Christ of Mercy and bless the water by force, by force of the Sun, by the force of the winds, the earth and all the angels in heaven.
My permeate the peace, for I am God and God becomes flesh in you, before my path of mercy.
Are in my way and in my name, and thus be on the straight path to God for mercy.
That in the light of your hearts, may be the love and forgiveness of all your brothers and so be united to the Father Creator, the Almighty, my God, creator of all universes.
Creator of the divine breath that you made flesh, and that you became my children.
That in light of his divine name is always your hearts no doubt of his love for a minute, because it will be forever those who are in the light.
Do not believe what your eyes see, but in your hearts that feel, because there is forgiveness, love and truth of God, In the center of your soul, in your heart of hearts that see this love and this forgiveness without trial because his judgment is not in God.
While they see the matter as the only form of life, are not in God, but when they begin to feel God's name in words and verbs blessed by you, because then you will feel God made flesh and His Name all His love, the truth of His words and His love, Be blessed in the name of the Holy Spirit Major of God that is in me, and that is in thee, for ever and that may open up in the light of His mercy and thus becoming one Our hearts to.
That Our peacekeepers alter them, so they can be in Our hearts forever.
That angels are blessed of God among you and that your hearts are linked forever in the power of wisdom and mercy of God.
Gratitude to all of you, dear brothers and dear daughters, who can not see, but they are here because My love will permeate the flesh and spirit so they can grow in the path of My mercy.
I bless you in the name of God, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
That the strength of my presence among you and that is my own heart, made flesh in Verbo Divino my forgiveness be upon you today.
Thank God, the Almighty, for this day, because your faith will save the lead and My love for eternity.
Jesus Christ of Mercy.
Jesus Christ the Redeemer 03/01/2013 15:00 pm
By the power of the Holy Spirit I am calling you to the force that binds you to me for that universal love in your hearts, peace reigns of universes from my Father.
Dear children is already time for your conversions at my kingdom, so let me address the peace in your hearts.
Choirs of angels in heaven announce the arrival time of the designs of God and that all are my light in you, fear not, because it will be before my presence whenever they call me in your hearts, for my peace will reign in the power of your universes dwell in God my father the creator believe in me and I will save you.
the arrival of the judgment of the heavenly father came to earth, so many brothers were summoned before the presence of the father creator to forces of light can Reign
Do not despair, for love and peace shall reign after pain.
Open your hearts to that prayer can help to people who need assistance through your hearts.
What in God's peace d are all of you, do not suffer, because everyone already knows the thoughts of God and are under them.
".... continuing, after transcription of the entire message .... '
Jesus Christ of Mercy 4:01:13 at 10:00 pm
I am here today on behalf of the Higher Father to sanctify them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and bless Him for my name and the Holy Spirit.
That my redemptive power of light can be among your hearts in forgiveness of my name to this whole humanity is redeemed by opening their hearts.
My Father, the joy and the pain, bring them up to my kingdom before the opening of all your hearts that are in me and in my name of redemption may always be in the way of my mercy.
That my God, the Most High, for you can always look and not into temptation for I am the way, the truth and the life of love and constancy of your light in your hearts.
Verily I say unto you, my dearest daughters, today I am here for the blessings of the Divine Father Almighty fall among you so that they can, with your hearts to be filled with prayer my light in this peace, so that your hearts be open about redeeming my way and can open many hearts of your brethren, because this is the will of the Father Major.
Well so is my path, the path of love, of my redemption and humanity because of all this long work for the good of this world and the elevation of your hearts to the Father, the Almighty.
And so, in my power and my glory, save in the name of the Father so that they are in my path and before the throne of God.
Believe me, for I am Jesus Christ of Mercy and bless the water by force, by force of the Sun, by the force of the winds, the earth and all the angels in heaven.
My permeate the peace, for I am God and God becomes flesh in you, before my path of mercy.
Are in my way and in my name, and thus be on the straight path to God for mercy.
That in the light of your hearts, may be the love and forgiveness of all your brothers and so be united to the Father Creator, the Almighty, my God, creator of all Universos.Criador the divine breath that you made flesh, and that you made my kids.
That in light of his divine name is always your hearts no doubt of his love for a minute, because it will be forever those who are in the light.
Do not believe what your eyes see, but in your hearts that feel, because there is forgiveness, love and truth of God, In the center of your soul, in your heart of hearts that see this love and this forgiveness without trial because his judgment is not in God.
While they see the matter as the only form of life, are not in God, but when they begin to feel God's name in words and verbs blessed by you, because then you will feel God made flesh and His Name all His love, the truth of His words and His love;
Be blessed in the name of the Holy Spirit Major of God that is in me, and that is in thee, for ever and that may open up in the light of His mercy and thus becoming one to Our hearts.
That Our peacekeepers alter them, so they can be in Our hearts forever.
That angels are blessed of God among you and that your hearts are linked forever in the power of wisdom and mercy of God.
Gratitude to all of you, dear brothers and dear daughters, who can not see, but they are here because My love will permeate the flesh and spirit so they can grow in the path of My mercy.
I bless you in the name of God, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
That the strength of my presence among you and that is my own heart, made flesh in Verbo Divino my forgiveness be upon you today.
Thank God, the Almighty, for this day, because your faith will save the lead and My love for eternity.
Jesus Christ of Mercy.
Jesus Christ the Redeemer 02/01/2013 at 15:00 pm
That the star is blessed of my father among you so that your hearts might make the habitation of my heart.
My children have faith in my name, because I'll be guiding them on the path of divine mercy of redeeming my name, so in my power and glory are your dwellings, that is in my power of my word in my kingdom of Thy divine glory address.
Be open to changing your land, you shall, for the land your next give the signals that need to see the changes that occur henceforth What in your way of peace and love are the mercy of my name and my mother for that just do not lose your faith in the divine mercy of God.
The earth will undergo transformations that will come in God's name that commanded again and so universal order of all hearts in harmony to their designs. We are looking and praying for you all, that in times of distress that will come.
My children I give you my peace for my redemption are in your hearts, for those who believe in me will be saved in the humility of hearts, for the despair will take care of many hearts, but our love will be ready and open to receive them in your spirits, consecrating them to our hearts in love of the divine mercy of God who created you, that in light of my path are you all.
Pray for the people of Asia so that conflicts can be mitigated through the heart of my mother who pleads for mercy unto this land, which also can be heard and accessed by all your brothers, it's time for the redemption of my heart for all you.
That my immaculate mother of mercy be with you every day, so that the ascent is made of all the kingdom of my father the almighty and merciful God.
May God bless all my children and protect them from evil, Amen.